Title: Rainfall-Riverflow Modelling for Flood Forecasting in Oyun River Basin using Artificial Neural Network and Hec-Ras Author: Awu, John Ibe Date: 2018-05
Title: Safety, Risk Assessment and Incidence of Escherichia Coli O157 on Fresh Vegetables from Farms and Markets Author: Onuora, Valentino Chisom Date: 2018-09
Title: Prevalence and Antibiogram of Salmonella Isolates from Poultry in Nsukka, Enugu State Author: Olovo, Chinasa Valerie Date: 2018-09
Title: Optimization of Solid Substrate Fermentation of Prosopis Africana Taub for Production of Okpeye, an African Seasoning Agent Author: Okpara, Augustina Ngozi Date: 2018-06
Title: Production of Bioethanol from Hydrolysed Cocoyam (Colocasia Esculenta ) by Thermotolerant Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Author: Nzekwe, Charles Chidiebere Date: 2018-05
Title: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Molecular Characterization of Extended Spectrum ß-Lactamases (ESBLS) from Uropathogenic Escherichia Coli and Klebsiella Pneumoniae among Pregnant Women in Nnewi, Nigeria Author: Nwankwo, Chioma Obianuju Date: 2018-07
Title: Identification and Characterization of Molecular and Biologic Markers of Chloroquine Resistance in Plasmodium Falciparum Author: Egbu, Victor Ugochukwu Date: 2018-06
Title: Seroprevalence and Risk Factors of Hepatitis B Virus amongst Residents in Enugu Metropolis Author: Eze, Edith Nneka Date: 2018-02
Title: Molecular Characterization of Multi-Drug Resistant Clinical Isolates of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Nsukka Environs, Nigeria Author: Agbo, Martina Chinonye Date: 2018-06
Title: Antibacterial Effect of the Leaves of Chromolaena Odorata on Pseudomonas Aeruginosa from Wound Infections Author: Omeke, Odinakachukwu Prisca Date: 2017-11
Title: Valuating the Potential of Wild Cocoyam (Caladium Bicolor) for Bio-Ethanol Production using Indigenous Fungal Isolates Author: Onyenma, Ngozi Chizurum Date: 2016-11
Title: Lipase Activities of Yeasts and Moulds Isolated from Palm Oil Process Wastes Author: Chukwu, Gloria Nkeiruka Date: 2017-10
Title: Antibiogram of Escherichia Coli and Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated from Suppurative Wound Infections of Hospitalized Patients and their Responses to Bioactive Extratcs of Gongronema Latifolium Author: Ogunewe, Chidera Maryann Date: 2017-12
Title: Prevalence and Adverse Effect of Plasmodium Falciparum and Plasmodium Vivax Infections in Peripheral and Placental Malaria in Pregnant Women in Nsukka L.G.A. Author: Inyang-Enin, Nneka Date: 2017-07
Title: Effect of Allium Cepa and Saccharomyces Boulardii on Growth Performance and Seroconversion of Vaccinated Chickens Challenged with Velogenic Strain of Newcastle Disease Virus Author: Emecheta, Anthony Okechukwu Date: 2017-11
Title: The Use of Fungi in the Production of Single Cell Protein from Hydrolyzed Pineapple (Ananas Comosus) Peel Wastes Author: Clement, Patience Ndidiamaka Date: 2017-08
Title: Antibiotic Susceptibility and Biofilm Formation of Bacterial and Fungal Isolates from Infected Eyes of Individuals Resident in Enugu and Ebonyi States Author: Asogwa, Onyedikachi P. Date: 2017-08
Title: Stabilization of Raw Starch Digesting Amylase from Aspergillus Carbonarius and Effects of Metal Ions on Enzyme Activity and Stability Author: Nwagu, Tochukwu Nwamaka
Title: Production of Starch-Derived Bioplastic Film From Cassava (Manihot Esculenta) Tubers Author: Okoro, Irene Chidimma Date: 2016-12
Title: Evaluation of Malts From Some Acha Varieties as Source Of Enzymes for Ethanol Production From Starchy Materials Author: Mulak, Nicodemus Kegwen Date: 2011-11
Title: Optimization of Solid-State Culture for Citric Acid Production Using Some Local Starchy Materials Author: Ezea, feanyi Boniface Date: 2012-09
Title: Evaluation of Antibacterial and Resistance Modifying Potency of Ethanolic Leaf Extracts of Four Medicinal Plants. Author: Oruche, Nelson Eberechukwu Date: 2012-12
Title: Growth Responses to Environmental Stress Factors by Osmophilic Yeasts Isolated from Honey Author: Onumo, Nchedo N Date: 2017-06-05
Title: Epidemiology of Cryptosporidiosis in Some Communities in Ebonyi and Enugu States, Nigeria Author: Ukwah, Boniface Nwofoke Date: 2017-06-05
Title: In Vitro Antibacterial Activities of Methanolic and Ethyl Acetate Leaf Extracts of Ocimum Gratissimum and Byrsocarpus Coccineus on Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. Author: Enebe, Rhoda Uchenna Date: 2017-05-30
Title: Clinical and Environmental Distribution of Salmonella enterica Var typhi/ paratyphi with Concomitant Endemic Malaria in Enugu Urban and Peri-urban Author: Eleazar, Clara Idara Date: 2017-05-30
Title: Production, Characterization and Optimal Performance Studies of Glucose Isomerase Byachromobacter Xylosoxidans Mck-4 Isolated from Starch Milling Wastes. Author: Mbagwu, Macdonald Chiemezie Date: 2017-05-30
Title: Optimization of Food Colourant Production in Capable Fungi Isolated from the Soil in Nsukka Author: Ogbodo, Uchenna Ogochukwu Date: 2017-05-30
Title: Comparative Toxicity of Crude Oil and Kerosene on the Growth of Nitrifying Bacteria Isolated from Soil Author: Nwoba, Benjamin Nwodom Date: 2017-05-30
Title: Risk Assessment of Cassava Wastewater for Survival, Growth and Dissemination of Salmonella and Shigella Organisms in the Environment. Author: Nwonah, Rosemary.C Date: 2017-05-30
Title: In Vitro Antimicrobial Activities Of Some Selected Edible And Non-Edible Mushrooms Author: Akpi, Uchenna Kalu Date: 2017-05-30
Title: Studies on the Occurrence of Beta-Lactamases in Members of the Genera Salmonella and Shigella Isolated from Various Hospitals in Anyigba, Kogi State. Author: Ocean, Helen Ojomachenwu Date: 2017-05-30
Title: Synergistic Effect of Bacteriocin-Like Inhibitory Substances Produced by Vaginal Lactobacillus Against Group B Streptococci
Title: Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Rota Virus Infection Among People Living with Hiv/Aids in Yenegoa, Bayelsa State Author: Ideh, Ememobong Effiong Date: 2017-05-30
Title: Studies on the Prevalence and Co-Infection of Hepatitis B Virus (Hbv) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (Hiv) In Benue State, Nigeria Author: Mbaawuaga, Emmanuel Msugh Date: 2017-05-30
Title: Heat Resistance Patterns of Bacterial Contaminants of Ready- to- Eat Smoked Fish Author: Nnadi, Rita Chinyere Date: 2017-05-30
Title: Biodiesel Production Potentials of Microalgae Isolated from Arid Environments of Nigeria Author: Ogbonna, Innocent Okonkwo Date: 2017-05-30
Title: Isolation and Evaluation of Xylose-Fermenting Thermotolerant Yeasts for Bioethanol Production Author: Nweze, Julius Eyiuche Date: 2017-05-30
Title: Assessment of the Impact of Discharged Brewery Effluent on a Receiving Body of Water Author: Okoli, Ifeoma Anthonia Date: 2017-05-30
Title: Isolation of Bacteriocin-Producing Lactic Acid Bacteria and Immobilization in Micro-Porous Calcium Alginate Gel Beads for Efficient Production of Anti¬-Microbial Substances Author: Onoyima, Nnaemeka John Date: 2017-05-30
Title: Anti-Diabetic Effect of White Psidium Guajava Linnaeus Fruit Purée In Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats Author: Iloka, Ogechukwu Celestina Date: 2017-05-30
Title: Multidrug Resistance Profiles Of Clinical And Environmental Isolates Of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa And Escherichia Coli Author: Anuagasi, Francisca Ebele Date: 2017-05-30
Title: Bacterial Load and Enterotoxin Production by Escherichia Coli, in Fish Samples Sold in Nsukka, Nigeria. Author: Adogwu, Simon Akatu Date: 2017-05-22
Title: Bacterial Load and Enterotoxin Production by Escherichia Coli, in Fish Samples Sold in Nsukka, Nigeria. Author: Adogwu, Simon Akatu Date: 2017-05-22
Title: In Vitro Antimicrobial Activities Of Some Selected Edible And Non-Edible Mushrooms Author: Akpi, Uchenna Kalu Date: 2017-05-22
Title: Bacterial Load and Enterotoxin Production by Escherichia Coli, in Fish Samples Sold in Nsukka, Nigeria. Author: Adogwu, Simon Akatu Date: 2017-05-22
Title: Larvicidal activity of picralima nitida: An approach in malarial vector control Author: Nwabor, Ozioma Forstinus Date: 2017-03-06
Title: Treatment and Valorisation of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (Pome) Through Production of Microbial Biomass. Author: Iwuagwu, Joy Onyekachi Date: 2017-03-02
Title: Studies on the Co-Infectivity Of HIV and Atypical Mycobacteria In Nsukka Local Government Area Of Enugu State Author: Arum, Arinze Emmanuel Date: 2017-03-01
Title: Incidence Of Fluoroquinolone Resistant Salmonella Spp. In Intensively Reared Pigs And Broiler Chickens In Nsukkalocal Government Area, Enugu State Author: Ajibo, Queensley Date: 2017-03-01
Title: Effects of Variations in the Operating Conditions of Some Process Parameters on the Bacterial Leaching of a Nigerian Iron Ore Sample Author: Enebe, Matthew Chekwube Date: 2017-02-28
Title: Evaluation of Some Nigeria Corn Varieties for Fuel Ethanol Production Author: Ani, Ngozi Peace Date: 2017-02-28
Title: Biodegradation of Groundnut Shells to Fermentable Sugar using Fungal Isolates
Title: Occurence of Beta-Lactamases in Escherichia Coli and Klebsiella Species isolated from Environmental Sources and Hospital Patients in Nsukka, Enugu State Author: Agbo, Esther Chinedu Date: 2017-02-28
Title: Larvicidal Activity of Picralima Nitida, an Approach in Malarial Vector Control Author: Nwabor, Ozioma Forstinus Date: 2017-02-28
Title: Impact of Water Activity and Moisture Sorption Characteristics on Mould Relations in Garri Author: Samuel, Tochukwu Date: 2017-02-28
Title: Comparism of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Members of Enterobacteriaceae Isolated from Wildlife and Human Sources Author: Mustapha, Jamiu Kolawole Date: 2017-02-28
Title: Isolation and Typing of Salmonella Species and Screening for Salmonella-Phages in the Wastewater Treatment Plant, University of Nigeria, Nsukka Author: Dickson, Ihenrochi Dickson Date: 2017-02-28
Title: Antibacterial Activity of Piper Guineense, Xylopia Aethiopica and Allium Cepa against Bacteria Isolated from Spoilt Soup Preparations Author: Martin, Hannah Chinenye Date: 2017-02-28
Title: Production of Antimicrobial Substances by Lactic Acid Bacteria (Lab) Immobilized in Calcium Gel Beads. Author: Onah, Deborah Nebechi Date: 2017-02-27
Title: Development of Micro-Porous Beads for Immobilization of Aerobic Organisms Author: Oyeagu, Uchenna Date: 2017-02-27
Title: Effects of Various Phytohormones Growth and Productivity of Chlorella Sorokinia and Spirulina Platensis Author: Ozioko, Fabian Uchechukwu Date: 2017-02-27
Title: Studies on the Occurrence of Beta-Lactamases in Members of the Genera Salmonella and Shigella Isolated from Various Hospitals in Anyigba, Kogi State. Author: Ocean, Helen Ojomachenwu Date: 2017-02-27
Title: Treatment And Valorisation Of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (Pome) Through Production Of Microbial Biomass. Author: Iwuagwu, Joy Onyekachi Date: 2017-02-27
Title: The Use of Additives in the Development of Grass Silage Author: Arii, Gabriel Onoja Date: 2017-02-22
Title: Identification and Evaluation of Immuno- Amygdalina Modulatory Properties of Prebiotics Extracted from Vernonia Author: Asuquo, Akanimo; Edem Date: 2017-02-22
Title: A Comparative Study of the Serological Status for Newcastle Disease in Local Chickens of Live Bird Markets and Households Within Nsukka, Enugu State of Nigeria Author: Eze, Amos; Ifeanyi Date: 2017-02-22
Title: Screening of Fungi Isolated from Selected Agro-Waste Material for Laccase Production Author: Ndochinwa, Giles Obinna Date: 2017-02-20
Title: Screening of Fungi Isolated from Selected Agro-Waste Material for Laccase Production Author: Ndochinwa, Giles Obinna Date: 2017-02-09
Title: Studies on the Occurrence of Beta-Lactamases in Members of the Genera Salmonella and Shigella Isolated from Various Hospitals in Anyigba, Kogi State. Author: Ocean, Helen Ojomachenwu Date: 2017-02-09
Title: Development Of Micro-Porous Beads For Immobilization Of Aerobic Organisms Development of Micro-Porous Beads for Immobilization of Aerobic Organisms Author: Oyeagu, Uchenna Date: 2017-01-30
Title: Studies on the Occurrence of Beta-Lactamases in Members of the Genera Salmonella and Shigella Isolated from various hospitals in Anyigba, Kogi State. Author: Ocean, Helen Ojomachenwu Date: 2016-06-06
Title: Effects of Various Phytohormones on Growth and Productivity of Chlorella Sorokinia and Spirulina Platensis
Title: The Bacterial Aetiology Of Gastroenteritis In Parts Of The Former East Central State Of Nigeria Author: ANYANWU, Beatrice Ngozi Date: 2015-11-03
Title: Evaluation of Some Bioprocess Strategies for Control of Proteolyic Degradation of Raw Starch Digesting Amylase (RSD) of Aspergillus Carbonarius Author: Ire, Francis Sopuruchukwu Date: 2015-11-03
Title: The Microbiology of Fermentation for ‘Foofoo’ Production Author: Ijioma, Blessing Chima Date: 2015-11-03
Title: Studies of Mashing Methods for Beer Brewing with Sorghum Author: Owuama, Chikezie Ihebuzoaju